Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today was my first time in the nation's capital and it was amazing. We first had lunch with an old friend of my dad at George Washington University. The campus of GW was about three blocks from the white house! We rushed over there before our campus tour and my dad was telling everybody we were having lunch with obama. ;) The garden was huge and it was really cool for me to see it! The school is really urban, but I like the campus a lot more that at Boston University. The size was good for me. There are about 10000 undergraduates and they even had a campus that was not in the city for freshmen. I really liked the school, because they're really strong in the majors I'm interested in (among with others). I would like a campus community feeling which this school really lacked, but I'll consider it. After the tour we had some coffee at the student union and we decided to walk toward the Lincoln Memorial and it was amazing! I loved it! It is really ten times better than they show on TV in Holland. ;) We took lots of pictures and it was beautiful, because the sun was just setting. We were walking towards the Washington Monument and there were these people playing frisbee right along the reflecting pool. We were watching and I actually played with them in jeans and a T-shirt. haha. They were actually from the state department and this was the only time in the week they could get some exercise so they had no rules and it was just for fun. It really reminded me how much I love this sport. You can just go to a park in America and play pick-up everywhere! That was so much fun and after a while it got dark and we walked to the Washington Memorial. It is really beautiful by night and we made a ton of pictures just standing right against it and looking straight up.
We had dinner at the student union and talked with some students from GW and it made me a little negative, because they said that classes were huge and that you didn't get to know your professor really well. I'm really tired so this is a short post.
Photo's will come tomorrow!

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