Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hello again! ;)

Today and yesterday were so hectic I have a hard time recounting them. Yesterday I had a debate in class and I'm really terrified of debates. I hate doing them and it's hard because you have to give really good arguments all the time. It's not like a presentation where you just 'dish the facts'. You have to be on your feet, always. I stayed up that night till two o'clock in the morning just to get the job done and I looked like a zombie. With that in mind, I have two things that have always been hard for me to do:
One is getting out of bed. I can just snooze my alarm endlessly and I won't get out of bed. Second of these is being on time. My punctuality is far beyond bad. It is really insulting how long I sometimes make people wait. One time my friend had to wait for over twenty minutes. I remember that there's this country where it's normal to be an hour late. In France, as example, if you have a dinner party it is rude to come on time. You have to be late, so sometimes people will be almost an hour late! Can you imagine?! I think in Northern countries people are so ice cold from the weather. They get rigid and frozen and have to be on time for everything. So my conclusion, I'm living in the wrong country! My body is living in the Netherlands, but my brain and my soul belongs in Spain (in spirit).

But to get back to my point. I went to bed really early that next night (because of my punctuality problem). I had to get up at 6.15 am the next morning to drive to Amstelveen to the Intl. School of Amsterdam to take THE PSAT!! I was really nervous and when I got there. Well I have never seen a school so beautiful as that school. It makes my school look like a rundown youth hostel where the walls are about to collapse and crumble. Finally we get there. Through the gates with the person at the front desk. We had to sign ourselves in and we received visitor passes. Someone leads me to the gymnasium. And our names were called and we had to sit in a row at a really comfortable chair and huge desk with a radius of about 2 metres where no other desk was. It took 3 hours like always and I got stressed because I didn't have enough time every time. For the first few questions I held myself to 45 seconds a questions, but with the harder questions I needed more time so I had to work really fast. I'm used to tests with about 15 questions in 45 minutes. This was another cup of tea. In my senior year I'll be taking final exams just like that in a gym and it really felt like that. I realized I have another quality. While taking the test I get stressed out and my neck tightens and I get neck pains (never had this before). And I seriously still have neck ache. In the five minute break after 50 agonizing minutes you're not allowed to eat, talk and going to the toilet is one by one. So I couldn't go and as a result of that I had to pea during the test the whole second half. The other break is towards the end for about a minute. And it's funny, because everybody gets up and starts to stretch and move their shoulders and heads like a yoga group. ;) And the silence is agonizing for me. I'm used to studying in somewhat noisy environment and during tests at school it is never dead silent. But there, you could hear a pin drop. And the element of surprise is pretty big too. You usually don't have tests where you know what to expect and that's hard about the PSAT. I'll get results in December. I hope they are good.

For now, I just want to wake up tomorrow and have it being a Sunday Morning. Those are the best. For now I sleep and I hope tomorrow will bring a new kind of Sunday. The light falls in your window and you slowly open your eyes and there it is, a new day awaits you. Going to the US of A on Friday! So excited. I'll record what I think of every school on here so if you're doubting about schools you know what I thought of it. Saves you a trip. Or if you're just really interested in all the stories I'm going to tell. ;)


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about your wildest stories in the USA!
