Monday, October 4, 2010


Tonight I went to practice tonight and I was surprised, because we didn't have a normal practice. We had a practice on 'the greatest'. So now you're probably wondering what this is, but I'll explain. With other sports when a ball is out of bounds. It's out of bounds. That's true for frisbee too, but the piece of plastic is also flying through the air and you can control it in some way or other. So if you know you're feet are going to be out of bounds then if you jump and catch the frisbee in the air and throw it while you're in the air it won't be out of bounds, of course someone else has to catch it. So you have to jump, catch the disc and before you land you have to throw it away and the other person has to be able to catch it. Since you don't have a lot of time usually a lot of sloppy throws are the result. Okay, if you've been really lazy skip this introduction. It was too hard to read anyhow, just watch this movie. ;) There is no music included, but you see the guy hanging in the air right before he hits the line and throwing away the disc. It is harder than it seems and if I ever master it you'll be the first to know.

This really inspired me somehow to write this blog, because you're hanging in the air and if you do it right you get to do two things at once in such a short period time. It feels a little bit like flying I must say, because you're so concentrated on something else you don't even notice that your feet have left the ground or even when they touch the ground.

I'd love to fly someday. It's impossible, but I would love to. It's one of the ten things I would love to try before I die, but it's also on the list of impossible things. The other things I would like to try before I die are:
  • Take a balloon trip
  • Go help a good cause in Africa (orphanage etc)
  • Fly
  • Go rock climbing for a day constantly (not going down)
  • Climb the Mount Everest (or at least a part of it)
  • Eat a huge bucket of Ben & Jerry's all by myself (485 mL)
  • Ben & Jerry's 485 mL
  • Travel around the world. See a lot of places
  • Jump out of a plane
  • Bring ultimate frisbee to countries who don't know the sport
  • Walk into a very expensive hotel, go for a swim and walk out looking like a guest
  • Swim with dolfins
  • Make an invention
  • Design a piece of clothing, which I would be able to sell
  • Witness a solar eclipse
  • Ski at the top ten ski resorts in the world
  • See the seven wonders of the world
  • Write a novel
  • Learn how to play the guitar
  • Go scuba diving
  • Go bungee jump
  • Go zorbing
  • Go on the biggest and scariest roller coaster in the world
  • ... (still thinking about it, any suggestions?)

At this point I'm still thinking about my list. What should be on it and when should I do it. I think I'd like to do all the things on my list. The flying part is actually doable, because in some places in the world they have this huge and really powerful fan that can lift you up and then you can fly for ten minutes and you pay for it. It's not the actual thing of course, but at least it's close to the feeling.

Well, I should go to sleep. I'm going to dream about my own bucket list (yumyum ben & jerry's).

Do you have your own bucket list? CommentComment.




  1. hmm.. hard one..
    on my list would also be flying, and publicing a book, and talking in rhymes for a whole day, learning how to skateboard, finaly being able to wissle, making a movie, dipping everything you can eat in chocolate, wacht all movies of Johnny Depp I haven't seen yet
    uhm... i can't think of anything more right now, but it's a nice thing to think about once in a while :D

  2. Haha. The talking in rhymes is a good idea and I would love to have one of those huge cameras and take beautiful pictures. Dipping everything in chocolate would be greaat! What about potatoes? How would that taste. ;) Or an tomato. And what's not on my list is mastering 'the greatest'. It's cool to think about these things.
