Monday, October 18, 2010


This morning I woke up and for the first time in two weeks I got to sleep in and it was great. In the morning I worked on my previous blog post. At twelve o’clock I was supposed to meet up with a student from Boston College. We started our journey by going to our car (obviously) and we saw about twenty smashed pumpkins all over the street. We still haven’t figured out who or why someone did this. It’s a little early for Halloween to be smashing pumpkins.;) We got totally lost after that. We didn’t know where we were and in the end I was a half hour late. Once I got there we saw the library and we saw her dorm room which was a little small. All dorms get better once you get older somehow. There was also a friend of hers from her old high school in Miami. She was visiting all the colleges where former seniors lived now. She was a senior. And they both could have come straight from ‘The Hills’. They spoke the accent and they were totally into the same things. They were interested in the weed smoking in Holland (obviously) and the drinking and else. They were both party girls and according to Americans all Dutch people are partiers too. We had lunch at a cafeteria and I’ve never seen so much greasy food compiled in one place. People go crazy there on food and eat like five times a day. No wonder Americans sometimes are so fat. I wanted a sandwich, and when I got to the front of the line they were putting mayonnaise on by the liter! It was amazing how much they were putting on. I decided against the mayonnaise. They also put five pieces of ham on, which was really unusual for me.
In Holland you’re lucky if you can get two pieces of ham on a sandwich. After that we looked at the senior housing which was nice. And we hung out in the sun. It was really warm, warm enough for sunglasses!  I didn’t discover a lot about BC, but I did discover a lot about how some people at university live. They had gone out the night before until about five o’clock in the morning. Boston College is really beautiful though. The view from some places is utterly amazing and the buildings are really old and historical. With the sun shining between the buildings it was a perfect day to promote Boston College. I didn’t discover a lot, but I did discover that although it is a pretty catholic college they don’t enforce religion on you. I was worried about that, because religious American I always think of as really religious. Tomorrow I’m off to Providence to go and see Brown University!

See you soon!


1 comment:

  1. Heey Juuul,
    Boston College is beautiful (according to the pictures you posted, you should post more pictures :D)! So, did you like the university life? Because your from Holland everybody will expect you to be the biggest partier ;). Did you go to Harvard to? That must be really impressing! And is Boston college something else than boston university? Anyway, I have to go now (I have some partying to do, just like all the dutch :P), so enjoy your visit to Brown en keep the blogs coming :D!
    Xxx Nicole
