Saturday, September 18, 2010




I have always wanted to be there for my friends. I think it is important to show that you're there for them even if they don't want you to give them advice. I hope that in return when I do something really stupid or if I ever need a shoulder to cry on or just plain harsh advice they'll be there for me. 

Sometimes I wonder how the real world will treat me. Will it stab me in the back or will it dance alongside me when I leave high school. I guess I'm on my own (almost) then. It kind of scares me in some ways. I want to go to university in America, which is 3000 kilometers away from my hometown. I can't just walk in and have a cup of tea with my mom on short notice. I can't just drive up for a surprise visit. I can't even take a train to see my parents or my sister. I'm going to miss her a lot too. The thing is everything's kind of creeping up. It seemed so far away before and now that life is about 1.5 years of. That's nothing compared to the human life or the life of the world or my life. Years seem to get shorter, which is first what I wished. 

I have spent the pas weeks planning for my college trip, but what if what I'm really looking for is right here? I have no idea. America maybe just appeals to me on no good basis. But I'll go see what I think when I go there. Most of my friends are talking about which universities they want to go to. Some of them have their whole future planned out. And I, I just don't want to think about the future just yet. I'm worried I'm not going to enjoy high school by thinking too much about it.

For now I can just be there for my friends, whatever they need me for. Because I have one and a half year left to get into trouble and have them save me. ;)


Wednesday, September 15, 2010




Have you ever heard a song and really wanted to know who the artist is and what the track is called?
I used to have this problem all the time. The chances were really big that you would never know the name of that song. You could be in a store or hear the track on the radio or another place. I always use shazam. Probably half of the world uses it, but it works so well! 

I also always have this problem in finding new music that really is my style. So I just discovered this great site. It's called! You just type in an artist or album or song and it will give alternatives just like that one. I use all the time. I even have an account. You fill in your favorite artists and it gives you new suggestions. 

I filled in :
I just love music. I sing and I've played the piano. I had lessons, but I stopped about a year ago. I always love the effect music has on me. I just started to take music classes at school and it got me all inspired! I'm playing the piano about every day and singing more often.
I play together with a friend of mine. She plays the piano and I sing. So I might post a couple podcasts of us playing together!



    Sunday, September 12, 2010




    Today I sang with Nicole. Nicole (my friend) plays the piano and I sing with her and I tell you if you always play by yourself, pick up you instrument and run over to your friend's house! It's so great to make music together. It sounds way better and it's way less boring. It also feels like you're giving a small concert for yourself. We worked really long on it and we ended up playing Imagine - John Lennon and Fields of Gold - Eva Cassidy. I'm more in the range of mezzo-soprano and soprano.
    I had a busy day. I did a prepare-test for the PSAT. (yes, the prepare for the prepare SAT ;)) I did it right at home and got decent scores, I guess. I did pretty well for a foreign student.
    And then Nicole came over and we worked on MUN, which is model united nations. We plan to establish it at our school! After that we went shopping with Lotte (other friend) and we had a lot of fun.
    We came back shortly after that and we played music and then I just rested from a looong day.

    And then tomorrow frisbee. So this was my short report, because I have to go to bed.

    Title: Piano Song - Meiko

    Thursday, September 9, 2010



    Hi Bloggers,

    I'm Julia.
    As you might have read I come from the Netherlands and I'm sixteen years old.

    So now we've had the introduction. I go to a gymnasium in Utrecht and I've had about all the languages that I know of, Dutch, German, French, English, Latin, and Greek. Well, not all the languages. ;)

    I also love to play ultimate frisbee and this summer I went to the World Junior Ultimate Championship. It sounds pretty spectacular, but it wasn't really. I mean it was a World Championship, but in our division there were only European teams. It was still very fun and I had a great time playing against other teams. It was about a week and it was really good to see what my level should be like in a couple years. :)

    School has started again and I'm worn out already, or as my title states 'worn me down' (rachael yamagata). Teachers l-o-v-e to torture us. They keep reminding us about senior year, which is exactly what I don't want to hear if I'm a junior. The most insane part of this is that the teachers we have this year we will have next year. Some teachers are great to have 2 years in a row, but some are not. I guess everybody has this problem in Holland. The one thing I can look forward to for this year is our trip to either Turkey, Greece or Rome! I think I'll go for either Greece or Rome. I think I'd rather prefer Greece, because I've never been there, but it also depends on where my friends want to go. It's nice to be in a fun group on a week like that. I've been looking forward to this trip since 7th grade and I totally forgot about it about last summer, but now I'm thinking about it again.

    My summer was great! I went on a school trip to England. We went to Canterbury, Oxford, Cambridge and London. A friend and I really enjoyed it. I also shopped a lot in London (ofcourse;)). I personally liked Oxford more than Cambridge, but neither really appealed to me to go to university there. After that my friends and I went on a vacation of our own to the North Sea here in Holland. It was really fun. We swam (it was pretty cold.;)) and we went out.
    I spent two weeks after that doing very little. I worked on my 'wreck this journal'. I'll post some pictures of it in my next posts. It's this book in which the point is to destroy it. Every page has an assignment for instance 'break the spine', 'colour this entire page' or 'drop from a building'. For me, it was great for boring days. It made me very creative and since I don't do that on own accord. I really needed that book, because I'm really uncreative. I had this one funny painting when I was about 4 years old. My parents put an orchid in front of my nose and told me to paint the orchid on a piece of paper, but I totally misunderstood so I started painting the orchid itself! Suddenly the orchid was dripping in paint. I was already wondering what the piece of paper was for. I thought it was to catch the paint from coming on the table if it was dripping from the orchid. ;)

    I'll post the pictures of wreck this journal in my next posting.


    xx Juliaa