Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hi Bloggers,

I'm Julia.
As you might have read I come from the Netherlands and I'm sixteen years old.

So now we've had the introduction. I go to a gymnasium in Utrecht and I've had about all the languages that I know of, Dutch, German, French, English, Latin, and Greek. Well, not all the languages. ;)

I also love to play ultimate frisbee and this summer I went to the World Junior Ultimate Championship. It sounds pretty spectacular, but it wasn't really. I mean it was a World Championship, but in our division there were only European teams. It was still very fun and I had a great time playing against other teams. It was about a week and it was really good to see what my level should be like in a couple years. :)

School has started again and I'm worn out already, or as my title states 'worn me down' (rachael yamagata). Teachers l-o-v-e to torture us. They keep reminding us about senior year, which is exactly what I don't want to hear if I'm a junior. The most insane part of this is that the teachers we have this year we will have next year. Some teachers are great to have 2 years in a row, but some are not. I guess everybody has this problem in Holland. The one thing I can look forward to for this year is our trip to either Turkey, Greece or Rome! I think I'll go for either Greece or Rome. I think I'd rather prefer Greece, because I've never been there, but it also depends on where my friends want to go. It's nice to be in a fun group on a week like that. I've been looking forward to this trip since 7th grade and I totally forgot about it about last summer, but now I'm thinking about it again.

My summer was great! I went on a school trip to England. We went to Canterbury, Oxford, Cambridge and London. A friend and I really enjoyed it. I also shopped a lot in London (ofcourse;)). I personally liked Oxford more than Cambridge, but neither really appealed to me to go to university there. After that my friends and I went on a vacation of our own to the North Sea here in Holland. It was really fun. We swam (it was pretty cold.;)) and we went out.
I spent two weeks after that doing very little. I worked on my 'wreck this journal'. I'll post some pictures of it in my next posts. It's this book in which the point is to destroy it. Every page has an assignment for instance 'break the spine', 'colour this entire page' or 'drop from a building'. For me, it was great for boring days. It made me very creative and since I don't do that on own accord. I really needed that book, because I'm really uncreative. I had this one funny painting when I was about 4 years old. My parents put an orchid in front of my nose and told me to paint the orchid on a piece of paper, but I totally misunderstood so I started painting the orchid itself! Suddenly the orchid was dripping in paint. I was already wondering what the piece of paper was for. I thought it was to catch the paint from coming on the table if it was dripping from the orchid. ;)

I'll post the pictures of wreck this journal in my next posting.


xx Juliaa

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