Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today I sang with Nicole. Nicole (my friend) plays the piano and I sing with her and I tell you if you always play by yourself, pick up you instrument and run over to your friend's house! It's so great to make music together. It sounds way better and it's way less boring. It also feels like you're giving a small concert for yourself. We worked really long on it and we ended up playing Imagine - John Lennon and Fields of Gold - Eva Cassidy. I'm more in the range of mezzo-soprano and soprano.
I had a busy day. I did a prepare-test for the PSAT. (yes, the prepare for the prepare SAT ;)) I did it right at home and got decent scores, I guess. I did pretty well for a foreign student.
And then Nicole came over and we worked on MUN, which is model united nations. We plan to establish it at our school! After that we went shopping with Lotte (other friend) and we had a lot of fun.
We came back shortly after that and we played music and then I just rested from a looong day.

And then tomorrow frisbee. So this was my short report, because I have to go to bed.

Title: Piano Song - Meiko

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