Thursday, December 23, 2010




Finally we're having a break from school. I actually believe I've got all my presents for everybody now. ;) It's coming along really well. Today I went over to a friend. We have this assignment for music class. We have to write our own song so we decided to work on it today. Of course, we first stared at the piece of paper for a while, but we actually worked really well. It took us about 2 hours.
The song's called 'Don't know, Don't care'. If you want a copy of our amazing songwriting skills, please leave a comment. It was a lot of fun and it's good to start doing these kind of things instead of always using well-known music.

This is the point where I totally got stuck yesterday. In the couple months that I've been blogging I've realized what writers feel when they get stuck. Luckily my living doesn't depend on it so it makes it easier coming back a day later to continue. It's probably pure torture for writers when they are just stuck and they have an idea, but they can't get it out there in any way. I guess it's even harder for me, because I have no sense of creative writing or good vocabulary. The one thing about blogging about your life is that it's very easy. You just write about yourself and drone on and on and on and on... - you get the point - Sometimes I wonder who really cares what I write, but I guess I care. For me, it's more than pleasing anyone who reads it. I write primarily for myself.

Anyway, today was a very boring day. So, why am I on the computer on a very boring day? I typically have no inspiration. The reason why this day is getting better is because I decided to enter a competition: The BBC AWARDS. I haven't been looking forward to writing or thinking about it. You choose either to speak, which means you talk for 5 minutes by heart and after that the jury fires difficult questions for 3 excruciating minutes. I decided against that, just because it takes a lot more work. So I've signed up for the Young Writers Award. You have to write an essay of 600 words. It has to be smart, articulate and you have to really develop a thought. The topics are very funny, because on the one hand you feel like they're very specific but on the other hand they can be interpreted in many ways. The topics are:
  • Ideas that will change the world
  • A multi-cultural existence: unrealistic? can different cultures really co-exist?
  • Celebrities are not born, they are made
  • Are comedians becoming too offensive or are we taking ourselves too seriously?
  • Is life becoming more dangerous?
  • Global companies, global responsibilities
I chose: Is life becoming more dangerous? I chose it because in my opinion it's the easiest one to write about. The first one also appealed to me, but I would have to fully immerse myself in news for a couple weeks and I didn't have any opinion on the others. The other reason I chose this one was because I can draw some history in it, which is really interesting to me. (and my dad chose this one, so that was the final choice). I have been spending the past hour working on it. If you think about it a lot of things have changed, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. But through it all I don't think life has become more dangerous. There have so many conflicts and natural disasters taken place on this planet. What about child labor, two world wars, disastrous world leaders, capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, imperialism. Life hasn't changed a lot. We've just started getting help in the form of internet, electricity. Sure, they have brought about their problems, but in the end we're all humans. We just had to face different problems. I just think that because everybody on the planet knows what is going on on the other side of the planet it seems like life is worse/dangerous. The media is the problem, otherwise nobody would know or care. Anyway, just enough babble to develop an essay don't you think?

Now I'm going to continue enjoying my winter break and stop thinking about saving the world, because at this moment I'm missing out on all the fun I could be having. Have a great winter break!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Love Julia


Sunday, November 28, 2010



And she's only eleven! This is amazing.



Great song on a bad day. :)




Yesterday I celebrated 'Sinterklaas' with my friends.
For those of you who have never heard of him I copied and pasted a translation here:

Sinterklaas (also called Sint Nicolaasde Goedheiligman or simply de Sint in Dutch [About this sound pronunciation ]) and Saint Nicolas in French) is a traditional Winter holiday figure in the NetherlandsBelgiumArubaSuriname and Netherlands Antilles; he is celebrated annually on Saint Nicholas' eve (5 December) or, in Belgium, on the morning of 6 December. The feast celebrates the name day of Saint Nicholas, patron saint of Amsterdam, children and sailors. He is the basis of the mythical holiday figure of Santa Claus in the United States.


Sinterklaas has a long red cape, wears a traditional white bishop's robe and red mitre, and holds a crosier, a long gold-coloured staff with a fancy curled top. He carries a big book that tells whether each individual child has been good or naughty in the past year. He traditionally rides agray horse.

[edit]Zwarte Piet

Sinterklaas and his Black Pete usually carry a bag which contains candy for nice children and aroe, a chimney sweep's broom made of willow branches, used to spank naughty children.Some of the older Sinterklaas songs make mention of naughty children being put in the bag and being taken back to Spain. The Zwarte Pieten toss candy around, a tradition supposedly originating in Sint Nicolaas' story of saving three young girls from prostitution by tossing golden coins through their window at night to pay their father's debts. They also climb down chimneys to fill the children's shoes with presents, this causes their skin to be black.
Basically, when you're younger you receive gifts from the 'Sint' in your shoe. You put your shoe by the chimney and you sing, hoping that he will hear. He puts a gift in your shoe if you leave a carrot or something he can give to his horse. The horse apparently also rides on the roof, which is really impossible. There are a lot of flaws to the story. It results in a big bag of presents left on the doorstep on the fifth of december. Once you get older the fun of only receiving presents wears off and you start to make gifts for other people.
The standard form is: a poem, a 'suprise' and a gift. The 'suprise' is the most important of the whole evening. You pull names out of a hat and you have to make something creatively for someone else. It somehow has to contain a hobby or characteristic of the person. I pulled my friend Janne and because she wants to go to Med School, I decided to make her cut open the chest of a doll.

I in turn got a huge clock, because I'm known for always being late. All my friends were really creative. We had a great night. After that we watched a movie and sang and played the guitar for a while. Although it's not my favorite event of the year, I had a great time. It was close to beating christmas. ;)
So you might think that Sinterklaas is the most racist event on the planet it also is about giving and even though there's a guy who is a slave for the white guy. It has the spirit that christmas has and everybody works so hard to make something really nice. So in my opinion, that's what it's all about. So I hope I won't lose these friends. They mean the world to me.


Saturday, November 20, 2010




I had one of the worst days in a long time. This morning I wanted to ride my bicycle to school and I left my bicycle outside. I went to the front door and my bicycle was gone. It had been stolen and I felt so stupid to leave it outside. It had been stolen right from our front yard. So I couldn't go to school.

I actually turned in my Dutch column and my teacher really liked it! We actually got to read all of the columns. I read really good ones and really bad ones and I realized that the people I go to school with are really smart and articulate behind their shell. Some come across so different when they write. All my judgments actually vanished while reading.

My day was pretty boring after that, but just a few minutes ago my dad told me someone he knows had an interview with someone who is applying to Duke. The interviewer asked the girl: "If you could meet with anyone on this planet present or past. Who would it be?"
She said Adolf Hitler, which is one of the people I would have never thought of. I started to think about who I would want to meet with. My dad thought of Gandhi and I also got on the track of famous people. I was thinking Napoleon. And then I realized that I didn't want to meet anybody famous. I didn't really want to meet Martin Luther King or Gandhi. I was just thinking that, because I thought that was who they meant in the question. The truth is you can fill in that question in any shape or form it doesn't really matter.

Maybe you're starting to wonder who I would have dinner with? When I was a little girl I sometimes would feel lonely so I would put my hands up to the wall. I always thought that there was someone on this planet, at the exact same moment, putting his or hands on the wall thinking the same thing as I was thinking. It suddenly popped up in my brain and I realized that that was the person I would really like to meet. If that person really exists. He or she helped me through a lot, because I realized I was not alone and that person didn't really have to do anything. It made me feel less lonely and after every bad day I would have that ritual and the next day I'd feel better. So that's the person who I liked to meet. I don't do that ritual anymore. I don't need it anymore, but one of these days I would like to meet someone who did the same thing as I did.

Don't get me wrong, Gandhi, Hitler, Napoleon, Obama, George Washington are probably really interesting people. They will never know how I felt and they can not imagine how my life has been, but the person who is on the other side of my wall feels exactly like me. It's probably going to be a less interesting person, but they understand where I'm coming from.

Maybe you are starting to think who you would like to meet. Leave a comment. It will be interesting. And don't worry about mentioning a famous person. After all they probably have a much more exciting life. ;)

So now I just really want to ride my bicycle. :(


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


After reading my post, my dad and sister came up with candles and we turned off the lights for a while.
It was fun!



ALSO, two of my friends recorded this video. Dieske on piano and Eline singing. It's really good!





Hello again!

It has been a long time since I've posted here and it is due to immense work load. I have my exam week next week so I'm stressed out.

For Dutch class we just got this really cool assignment to write a column. It's basically a blog post, but it has a bigger focus on grammar and sentence structure and a structure as a whole. I've decided to tell you something about the topic I chose.

Nowadays we use electricity like water. We don't even think about how much we depend on it and what our lives would like without. It's all part of the evolution of humans. Last week the lights in our street, our neighborhood and part of our city went out for a while. There was total darkness everywhere. Typically it switches back on after 5 minutes and you just sit in front of your laptop waiting for it to light up again. This time, however, it didn't. People have no obligations or chores they can do for the time being. And who is really going to stare into darkness for a whole hour. Eventually you have nothing else to do but go downstairs and light candles with your family and actually talk to them for a while. You always have some task set in your mind to do, but here you have nothing else to do. You realize that people without computers or lights had to cooperate on a much higher level than we have to. One of the reasons families are less close is because of the internet. People are far more interested in the lives of people outside of their house or even on the other side of the planet!

The thing I realized after a while was that it was kind of fun to just sit and talk by candle light. The conclusion of this story: when the light turned back on, the candles went out and everybody hid behind their computers again. The only one left was my mom who realized how destructive the internet is for families and here I am again sitting behind a computer writing to people across borders and seas. In some ways internet made a lot of things easier, in other ways it didn't at all.

Maybe after this story you should get up, light some candles and talk to someone you haven't really talked to for a long time. Who's in? ;)

I had one of my best friend's birthday on Saturday and I gave her a CD. I asked all my friends to think of a song that they always listened with her, which reminded you of her. I compiled the songs and gave it to her and it was really fun to give. It didn't cost a lot of money and she really liked it more than any of my bought presents. Now every song makes her think of someone. I picked the song: New Shoes - Paolo Nutini, because we used to love to listen to this song when we were in 9th grade. :)

I'm running out of inspiration, but I might have more time after exam week to let my mind flow a little bit.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


United States
United Kingdom


With lack of motivation I haven't posted for two weeks. In fact, I haven't been on my page for two whole weeks. Today I looked at my stats and there was someone from India looking at my page! :) Wow, that's amazing. :) Thank you! Come back, please! It gives me incentive to write more.

William & Mary
I've been a little stressed, because I'm running behind on school work. (yes, boring, but very important) I went to a tournament the weekend for frisbee and we came in first place! I was in an adult team. Half were under 20. We played this game called 30 seconds and that means you get a card and it has 5 things listed on it that you have to describe without saying the word itself. We played it a lot and it was so funny, because some things I had never heard of and all the adults had. We had this one incident where we didn't know who UB40 was and all the grown-ups had to laugh so hard. It was the joke of the weekend. Now we're talking about going to the concert with the whole team. ;)

Maybe, or maybe not, you're interested in the last 3 colleges I saw. I kind of skipped William & Mary and Duke. Well, my mind is kind of cluttered now so I can't remember the details too well. When I saw William and Mary it was beautiful. It's a pretty campus (like all schools in the US) and the students were really friendly. I actually got the e-mailaddress of a Dutch girl who goes there! I think her name is Jeltsje, which is real Frysian name. I had a lot of fun there. I would like to go there, but since it's a state school they have to make sure that 2/3 of the school comes from Virginian. I don't know if that would be a big problem for me I'm going to ask Jeltsje that. ;)

Duke was beautiful as well. I actually spent the night in a dorm with a girl called Amberlene. She's from California and she's Latin-American and I think she got a full scholarship to Duke. She is really smart and she's really having fun there, but I think I wouldn't be friends with her if I went to Duke with her. I always seem to get set up with people who are not really my type, but it was still a really fun experience. I still don't know if I liked Duke, because my dad likes it or if I like it because I really like. Either way, I don't know if I would like to go to the same school as my dad went to. I'm still confused about that part. The sorority and fraternity scene was also pretty big, it seemed. I'm not really into that so I'll have to deliberate about that.

A friend from America just got her SAT scores back and she had 2300, which is amazing!
I'm getting my PSAT scores back in December.:)
And another friend of mine is writing a really cool story! :)

I really haven't been inspired lately so I'm writing in the moment, but I might be after this weekend. ;) It's going to be a fun and eventful weekend.

Talk to you soon!


Thursday, October 21, 2010




Today was my first time in the nation's capital and it was amazing. We first had lunch with an old friend of my dad at George Washington University. The campus of GW was about three blocks from the white house! We rushed over there before our campus tour and my dad was telling everybody we were having lunch with obama. ;) The garden was huge and it was really cool for me to see it! The school is really urban, but I like the campus a lot more that at Boston University. The size was good for me. There are about 10000 undergraduates and they even had a campus that was not in the city for freshmen. I really liked the school, because they're really strong in the majors I'm interested in (among with others). I would like a campus community feeling which this school really lacked, but I'll consider it. After the tour we had some coffee at the student union and we decided to walk toward the Lincoln Memorial and it was amazing! I loved it! It is really ten times better than they show on TV in Holland. ;) We took lots of pictures and it was beautiful, because the sun was just setting. We were walking towards the Washington Monument and there were these people playing frisbee right along the reflecting pool. We were watching and I actually played with them in jeans and a T-shirt. haha. They were actually from the state department and this was the only time in the week they could get some exercise so they had no rules and it was just for fun. It really reminded me how much I love this sport. You can just go to a park in America and play pick-up everywhere! That was so much fun and after a while it got dark and we walked to the Washington Memorial. It is really beautiful by night and we made a ton of pictures just standing right against it and looking straight up.
We had dinner at the student union and talked with some students from GW and it made me a little negative, because they said that classes were huge and that you didn't get to know your professor really well. I'm really tired so this is a short post.
Photo's will come tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vicious Circles!





Next stop …. Wesleyan University! We had to get up really early and we had a plastic breakfast at a motel. We had to drive for an hour to Middletown, Connecticut. We always get there way early so I don't stress out. We have gotten lost on our way to universities a couple times already. Navigating is not a skill I can proudly put on my resume. ;) I had an informational interview at Wesleyan. That means that the interviewer doesn't evaluate you, but if you're interesting enough they'll take note of it, or as my dad calls it, they'll put a star next to your name. I had expected that I would be asking a lot of the questions, but he had a lot more surprising questions for me. He basically asked me what I did last summer and if I could pick a favorite moment and he was wondering if I ever go off and explore on my own. The courses I take in high school, what classes I like most and what about it do I like most. I must say that I never think about why I like History. I just know I like it and I never question myself why so it's good to start thinking about. At the end I had some questions and he asked me about my extracurricular activities and I got a huge black out. I couldn't even remember what I do after school. He is a senior at Wesleyan, but just to give you an idea:
View from Foss Hill

Wesleyan has about 2700 undergraduates. It's a pretty small school. It's a real left-wing school and really liberal. It has really small classes and more discussions than lectures, which I love. It has 80 clubs ranging from quidditch (forget how you spell that) to an MUN club. You can option to live in an international dorm room from sophomore year on, which is really cool. You can live with people all over the world. The campus is really pretty and really new. All the buildings are really pretty and their cafeteria is amazing. They have everything including a vegan, vegetarian, mexican, asian, gluten, low calorie meal plans. Their dorm rooms are apparently really pretty and pretty big which is better than the other mini rooms I've seen so far.

We took a tour with about two families and the tour guide was a girl from India! She was really nice and she explained everything and she made me really interested in Wesleyan. It's funny, because all the tour guides at every university walk backwards while talking. Part of their training is actually learning how to walk backwards. It was really nice weather today!  It was s beautiful day. I didn't even have to wear a sweater and a jacket, haha. The campus also has this hill called Foss HIll and the first thought I had when I saw it was: I'd love to roll down it on my side! We didn't have time, but I would have gone otherwise.

College Row
At the end of our tour the guide gave us her card so we can email her. The other girl and her mother who were on the tour were really nice. I think her name was Maddy and she is a senior in high school and she had exactly the same interests as I did! She was going to mostly small school (like Wesleyan). Tomorrow she was going to Vasser and she was really friendly. She was also at Brown yesterday and she loved it. I didn't see her there. My dad and I got hungry so we decided to go eat some Thai food that the tour guide had recommended. On the way their Maddy and her mom asked us if we could give our email. We said we were going to the Thai restaurant and we were too so we decided to have lunch together. We arrived at the Thai restaurant and they didn't turn up. We asked at the restaurant if there was another Thai restaurant and there was. I decided to walk to the other restaurant which was about two blocks down. I walked three blocks down and I couldn't find it. Meanwhile my dad was eating his lunch and mine was getting cold. I came back and my dad went out to find the restaurant and I ate my lunch. He found them in the other Thai restaurant, gave them our email and left. Once he came back I was done with my lunch. That was my first lunch I ever ate at a restaurant where I ate alone with another person absent.

Olin Library
I was getting really excited, because I was going to an ultimate frisbee practice of the vicious circles. A women's team at Wesleyan. At 4.15 pm there was nobody yet. I was getting a bit worried, but they all had had fall break so they were all just coming back from home. Six people show up and the team captain had rushed from the airport just to make sure she'd be on time for me. They were really excited to see me and I was first a little shy. The captain who I had emailed was Nora and she was a really extrovert junior and they were all really excited and yelling. We first warmed up and we started out with hotbox. I quickly noticed that compared to them I was pretty good. After that we had a long drink break, which was really long. After that nobody wanted to get up and eventually I said something like: But I've come all the way from Holland for this practice! Haha. We did a basic drill. In the next water break I was spinning a frisbee and then the captain asked me if I wanted to take it with! So now I have a frisbee of the vicious circles. :) I even suggested a drill after they ran out of ideas and they asked me to throw the hucks after a while and I'm not very good at deep throws. And I was throwing for the first time and I heard someone saying 'wow' behind me. They were really impressed with my throwing skills, which are not my strongest point. It was a really fun practice and I chatted with them after practice. They were all sophomores, juniors and seniors. They also invited me to dinner, but unfortunately I didn't have any time to stay longer. My dad took a picture of them and me and I'll post it on my blog very soon! It was great. I did notice that they were less competitive than me, but it's hard to get really good as a team when every year the best players leave and a whole new stream of freshmen come in who have never touched a frisbee in their whole life. They also play on a horrible field with bad grass and they rarely play indoors, because the varsity sports get the best gyms and fields. I could really be a leader in that team, I think. That would be really fun. The only problem would be that I wouldn't improve a lot. The team seemed really fun to be in and pretty completive. They go to a lot of tournaments, but they're now in the phase of teaching new freshmen how to throw. It was really nice to talk to them too and get to know them and they wanted me to skip a year so I would graduate and they'd make sure I'd get accepted to Wesleyan. ;)
Disc Vicious Circles
Got a disc and a lot of new contacts out of the deal. :) I told them if they ever want to come to Holland they're welcome to. 
I'm getting tired and hungry. It's a long drive to DC. Tomorrow I'll be in the capital. My dad and I are having dinner with Obama. ;) We just called him up and he's really excited to see us. Haha



Tuesday, October 19, 2010




Front Gate Brown
WOW. That was truly one of the most amazing universities I've ever been to. Brown University is a really beautiful university. There's a lot of greens (big grass fields). People are sitting outside, reading, studying. The leaves are beautiful and everybody looks really serious. We came there early and we walked around the quad and we went to the student union. They had a coffee bar there. (they have those everywhere with muffins and all sorts of stuff) We had a cup of coffee there and pool tables and a student market and a lot of silent rooms. And everyone has a Macbook Pro. At noon a student from Brown came to take me to a class of hers together with another junior Christina who is Chinese going to boarding school in the US. The student Evelyn is a freshman at Brown and she really liked Brown. We went to a lecture with about 50 students called Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience and it was really interesting. When people have strokes certain parts of the brain are damaged. Some people have the input or intake (i forget) damaged and then they just speak a lot, but they're just meaningless sentences. They're not grammatical errors or spelling errors, but if you ask them a question they wont answer the question. They will start saying things that are totally meaningless. And other people have the output area damaged and they can't get things out of their mouth. You can think of it as if I'm having a conversation with you and for every word you pay a dollar. So if you're trying to say: I'm going to go to the store to buy some chocolate. You would probably say: Store. Buy. Chocolate.
That's what happens to those patients who have the output all wrong. They also make grammatical mistakes. The funny thing is they know that they're making these mistakes! I was surprised I could understand a lot of it! That was really cool. :)

Next we had lunch in the cafeteria and this cafeteria food was much better. It was very good and we had fun talking to the Brown student. She really loved Brown and she was focused mostly on science. I forgot which major. The only problem with Brown was that you had to pick a major, but they didn't have a core curriculum which is really nice. A core curriculum is the plan for students where everybody has to take a couple courses like math or science or english. You could fill your requirements for your major in your own way. The next thing was that they didn't have a lot of interdisciplinary courses or didn't mention it. Evelyn (hope I spelled it right) was really nice. She was from LA and she said that a lot of students were international and that about half of her floor was international and that the campus was really accepting of international students and the orientation for internationals was really good. The international orientation is pretty good everywhere, but the students felt really open and nice. It's a really good idea when you go to a college to go shadow a student.

Quad Brown
We had a information session after that and it was informative and good. They were enthusiastic and nice and they have a lot of experience with international students and their applications. Next we went on a campus tour, which is really beautiful. The students leading it were a little fake I thought. They were nice, but not the most genuine students I ever met. I asked about ultimate frisbee after the tour and they said the teams would be practicing at a field at five. We went there after we bought a 'Brown ultimate frisbee' and s sweat shirt from Brown. Ultimate is really popular here so that is really fun! I would like to go to a school with a good team. At this point it is probably a far shot to go for Brown. It is kind of a dream school for me. At this point Tufts and Brown tie for my favorite school on this trip. The junior Christina from China was a little bit envious, because I had a lot more chance of getting in than her. (she said) Because I'm the only person from my school who would be applying and that there already are a lot of Asians who apply. Admissions officers read by regions. They compare students from the same school to see who is the best. At her school about thirty students would be applying and universities want a diverse campus. I hope they see I would bring that, but I'll see what I think after this week. This is only the fourth American University I've ever seen. Haha. Fun fact: Emma Watson from Harry Potter goes to Brown. ;)
Brown University

I'll keep you posted. All of these pics have not been taken by me. It’s a lot of work to load them all online.

Monday, October 18, 2010




This morning I woke up and for the first time in two weeks I got to sleep in and it was great. In the morning I worked on my previous blog post. At twelve o’clock I was supposed to meet up with a student from Boston College. We started our journey by going to our car (obviously) and we saw about twenty smashed pumpkins all over the street. We still haven’t figured out who or why someone did this. It’s a little early for Halloween to be smashing pumpkins.;) We got totally lost after that. We didn’t know where we were and in the end I was a half hour late. Once I got there we saw the library and we saw her dorm room which was a little small. All dorms get better once you get older somehow. There was also a friend of hers from her old high school in Miami. She was visiting all the colleges where former seniors lived now. She was a senior. And they both could have come straight from ‘The Hills’. They spoke the accent and they were totally into the same things. They were interested in the weed smoking in Holland (obviously) and the drinking and else. They were both party girls and according to Americans all Dutch people are partiers too. We had lunch at a cafeteria and I’ve never seen so much greasy food compiled in one place. People go crazy there on food and eat like five times a day. No wonder Americans sometimes are so fat. I wanted a sandwich, and when I got to the front of the line they were putting mayonnaise on by the liter! It was amazing how much they were putting on. I decided against the mayonnaise. They also put five pieces of ham on, which was really unusual for me.
In Holland you’re lucky if you can get two pieces of ham on a sandwich. After that we looked at the senior housing which was nice. And we hung out in the sun. It was really warm, warm enough for sunglasses!  I didn’t discover a lot about BC, but I did discover a lot about how some people at university live. They had gone out the night before until about five o’clock in the morning. Boston College is really beautiful though. The view from some places is utterly amazing and the buildings are really old and historical. With the sun shining between the buildings it was a perfect day to promote Boston College. I didn’t discover a lot, but I did discover that although it is a pretty catholic college they don’t enforce religion on you. I was worried about that, because religious American I always think of as really religious. Tomorrow I’m off to Providence to go and see Brown University!

See you soon!