Thursday, November 4, 2010


With lack of motivation I haven't posted for two weeks. In fact, I haven't been on my page for two whole weeks. Today I looked at my stats and there was someone from India looking at my page! :) Wow, that's amazing. :) Thank you! Come back, please! It gives me incentive to write more.

William & Mary
I've been a little stressed, because I'm running behind on school work. (yes, boring, but very important) I went to a tournament the weekend for frisbee and we came in first place! I was in an adult team. Half were under 20. We played this game called 30 seconds and that means you get a card and it has 5 things listed on it that you have to describe without saying the word itself. We played it a lot and it was so funny, because some things I had never heard of and all the adults had. We had this one incident where we didn't know who UB40 was and all the grown-ups had to laugh so hard. It was the joke of the weekend. Now we're talking about going to the concert with the whole team. ;)

Maybe, or maybe not, you're interested in the last 3 colleges I saw. I kind of skipped William & Mary and Duke. Well, my mind is kind of cluttered now so I can't remember the details too well. When I saw William and Mary it was beautiful. It's a pretty campus (like all schools in the US) and the students were really friendly. I actually got the e-mailaddress of a Dutch girl who goes there! I think her name is Jeltsje, which is real Frysian name. I had a lot of fun there. I would like to go there, but since it's a state school they have to make sure that 2/3 of the school comes from Virginian. I don't know if that would be a big problem for me I'm going to ask Jeltsje that. ;)

Duke was beautiful as well. I actually spent the night in a dorm with a girl called Amberlene. She's from California and she's Latin-American and I think she got a full scholarship to Duke. She is really smart and she's really having fun there, but I think I wouldn't be friends with her if I went to Duke with her. I always seem to get set up with people who are not really my type, but it was still a really fun experience. I still don't know if I liked Duke, because my dad likes it or if I like it because I really like. Either way, I don't know if I would like to go to the same school as my dad went to. I'm still confused about that part. The sorority and fraternity scene was also pretty big, it seemed. I'm not really into that so I'll have to deliberate about that.

A friend from America just got her SAT scores back and she had 2300, which is amazing!
I'm getting my PSAT scores back in December.:)
And another friend of mine is writing a really cool story! :)

I really haven't been inspired lately so I'm writing in the moment, but I might be after this weekend. ;) It's going to be a fun and eventful weekend.

Talk to you soon!


1 comment:

  1. Hee Juul!
    Echt heel leuk dat je weer schrijft.
    Ik lees je blog nog steeds elke keer met plezier ;)

    xx Sanne
