Saturday, November 20, 2010


I had one of the worst days in a long time. This morning I wanted to ride my bicycle to school and I left my bicycle outside. I went to the front door and my bicycle was gone. It had been stolen and I felt so stupid to leave it outside. It had been stolen right from our front yard. So I couldn't go to school.

I actually turned in my Dutch column and my teacher really liked it! We actually got to read all of the columns. I read really good ones and really bad ones and I realized that the people I go to school with are really smart and articulate behind their shell. Some come across so different when they write. All my judgments actually vanished while reading.

My day was pretty boring after that, but just a few minutes ago my dad told me someone he knows had an interview with someone who is applying to Duke. The interviewer asked the girl: "If you could meet with anyone on this planet present or past. Who would it be?"
She said Adolf Hitler, which is one of the people I would have never thought of. I started to think about who I would want to meet with. My dad thought of Gandhi and I also got on the track of famous people. I was thinking Napoleon. And then I realized that I didn't want to meet anybody famous. I didn't really want to meet Martin Luther King or Gandhi. I was just thinking that, because I thought that was who they meant in the question. The truth is you can fill in that question in any shape or form it doesn't really matter.

Maybe you're starting to wonder who I would have dinner with? When I was a little girl I sometimes would feel lonely so I would put my hands up to the wall. I always thought that there was someone on this planet, at the exact same moment, putting his or hands on the wall thinking the same thing as I was thinking. It suddenly popped up in my brain and I realized that that was the person I would really like to meet. If that person really exists. He or she helped me through a lot, because I realized I was not alone and that person didn't really have to do anything. It made me feel less lonely and after every bad day I would have that ritual and the next day I'd feel better. So that's the person who I liked to meet. I don't do that ritual anymore. I don't need it anymore, but one of these days I would like to meet someone who did the same thing as I did.

Don't get me wrong, Gandhi, Hitler, Napoleon, Obama, George Washington are probably really interesting people. They will never know how I felt and they can not imagine how my life has been, but the person who is on the other side of my wall feels exactly like me. It's probably going to be a less interesting person, but they understand where I'm coming from.

Maybe you are starting to think who you would like to meet. Leave a comment. It will be interesting. And don't worry about mentioning a famous person. After all they probably have a much more exciting life. ;)

So now I just really want to ride my bicycle. :(



  1. neeeeeeeeee, arme jij :(!!!
    Dat is zo erg balen! Stomme fietsendieven! En dat recht voor je huis :(!
    Behalve dat stukje is je blog wel weer euk om te lezen. Ik denk dat jij een van de origineelste bent als je moet zeggen met wie je mag dineren :D! Ik zou waarschijnlijk Johnny Depp zeggen ofzo ^^ (nouja, probably not :P), nee ik denk dat ik Willem van Oranje zou zeggen (A). (Wow, ik ben echt nationalistischer dan ik van mezelf verwacht had O.o) Of.. nouja, ik denk eigenlijk dat ik niemand wil ontmoeten, omdat ik bang ben at die persoon heel teleurstellend is, en toch maar gewoon een normaal persoon blijkt te zijn...

  2. Ik weet al wie ik wil ontmoeten!
    Boris Berzovsky, dat is éen van de machigste mannen van Rusland en een beetje een louche figuur volgens mij, maar ook de beste pianist die ik ooit heb gezien (ik heb hem niet echt gezien, maar wel op youtube ^^), en dan zou ik hem willen vragen hoe hij ooit zo goed is geworden!
