Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Hello again!

It has been a long time since I've posted here and it is due to immense work load. I have my exam week next week so I'm stressed out.

For Dutch class we just got this really cool assignment to write a column. It's basically a blog post, but it has a bigger focus on grammar and sentence structure and a structure as a whole. I've decided to tell you something about the topic I chose.

Nowadays we use electricity like water. We don't even think about how much we depend on it and what our lives would like without. It's all part of the evolution of humans. Last week the lights in our street, our neighborhood and part of our city went out for a while. There was total darkness everywhere. Typically it switches back on after 5 minutes and you just sit in front of your laptop waiting for it to light up again. This time, however, it didn't. People have no obligations or chores they can do for the time being. And who is really going to stare into darkness for a whole hour. Eventually you have nothing else to do but go downstairs and light candles with your family and actually talk to them for a while. You always have some task set in your mind to do, but here you have nothing else to do. You realize that people without computers or lights had to cooperate on a much higher level than we have to. One of the reasons families are less close is because of the internet. People are far more interested in the lives of people outside of their house or even on the other side of the planet!

The thing I realized after a while was that it was kind of fun to just sit and talk by candle light. The conclusion of this story: when the light turned back on, the candles went out and everybody hid behind their computers again. The only one left was my mom who realized how destructive the internet is for families and here I am again sitting behind a computer writing to people across borders and seas. In some ways internet made a lot of things easier, in other ways it didn't at all.

Maybe after this story you should get up, light some candles and talk to someone you haven't really talked to for a long time. Who's in? ;)

I had one of my best friend's birthday on Saturday and I gave her a CD. I asked all my friends to think of a song that they always listened with her, which reminded you of her. I compiled the songs and gave it to her and it was really fun to give. It didn't cost a lot of money and she really liked it more than any of my bought presents. Now every song makes her think of someone. I picked the song: New Shoes - Paolo Nutini, because we used to love to listen to this song when we were in 9th grade. :)

I'm running out of inspiration, but I might have more time after exam week to let my mind flow a little bit.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Gelezen :D
    En het zet je inderdaad aan het denken, wat de slechte kant van computers en internet is!

    xx <3
