Saturday, January 29, 2011


I really hate shopping... It is such a tedious pastime and well.. I've started to dislike it.
Today was the first time in three months that I went shopping and I really picked the right store to get into it again. Holland is already overpopulated and we went to the busiest shop in all of Utrecht (the H&M).
It was amazingly busy. I've never seen a store so busy. You had to push your way through to get places and because it's Holland everybody pushes back. Dutch people are really pushy and when you put half of the shoppers in this city in one store I can't imagine anyone liking to be there. It gets kind of suffocating.
Well, anyway. My mom and I had a great time and I bought a lot of clothes, because if you don't buy clothes for three full months you start needing a lot. It was very fun, but I rather shop on weekdays, because this was amazing.

I'm so excited, because this week is my meeting for my trip to Greece. I'm going to Greece in about two months and I'm really looking forward to it. I've been looking forward to this trip for the past 5 years and it's one of the reasons why you endure 5 years of latin/greek. My friend, Nicole, is going to have her birthday in Greece so she's going to be very surprised. My birthday is a week later. :( I wish I had my birthday in Greece, but going to Greece is so cool as it is already.

My next relief is my essay! I got it done and my teacher sent it to the BBC Awards! She thought it was really good and I hope the jury thinks so too. I had about 8 drafts of it! It would be soo great if I got shortlisted. You can win a trip to England and you can pick a writing course.

Tonight my family and I are going to a comedy club in Amsterdam, so that should be interesting. I think we're about to leave. So I'm keeping it short.



Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is so genius!

I wish somebody would start playing a song...



It is really time for a new post. It's been a month! At the moment I'm living and breathing my essay (obviously not now).

This week I tried out garageband for the first time in my life and it is really complex. If anyone knows how it works, please, help me. I recorded a song and this was the result:

The sound is really bad and at a certain moment you hear my dad and my sister laughing. ;) I just recorded it for fun. I think I'm going to start recording more! It's really funny and strange to hear yourself sing. I really hate my voice when I listen to it. Everybody has that though.

I was walking in the park with my dog Max two days ago and I saw a man. He was sitting on one of the benches pulling out his bag with food. He was homeless and had to eat out in the cold. Although I think the Dutch system gives people the option to live in homes, so it was a strange sight. You don't see a lot of homeless people here. I was shivering cold and I couldn't imagine eating my dinner out here. I really felt bad for him, but what could I really do for him. I've been thinking lately of doing some kind of community service, but I don't know what yet. In my next week off I  have nothing planned yet and most of my friends are going somewhere (I think). So I might do some community service or some other job. I've been looking on internet for the past 2 days and I can't really find anything that's really for someone of my age. But there is an office in the center of Utrecht so I guess they'll be able to find something for me!

I've been thinking about next summer a lot for the past week and I have half made plans. I really want to go on vacation with my friends for a week! They're going to Texel, which is an island up north. It's one of the 5/6 islands in Holland. TVTAS ('tvbag') --> Texel, Vlieland, Terschelling, Ameland, Schiermonnikoog. We would go for a camping trip, but I still have to convince my parents. So I hope that after they read this they'll come running down stairs and say: 'Of course you can go on a camping trip with your friends!' I mean, I am going to be on my own in 1.5 years! And then it will only be a year! So enough reasons, I think. ;)

 I'm also thinking of doing a summer program at an American University. You can take any course you want (no credit) and the selection is so big! They have very weird courses as well. I forget, but trust me, everything under the sun! When I mentioned this to my sister, she asked me why I would want to go to school when I finally have summer vacation. That is so true, but I think there is so much more to it then that. It's probably not only studying, but also making new friends and having fun. And you are taking a course you yourself selected. So I'm really excited about that too.

Well, enough for now. Oh, and Dieske and I are going to post our own song when we've finished and recorded it!

Thank you for reading!