Thursday, December 23, 2010




Finally we're having a break from school. I actually believe I've got all my presents for everybody now. ;) It's coming along really well. Today I went over to a friend. We have this assignment for music class. We have to write our own song so we decided to work on it today. Of course, we first stared at the piece of paper for a while, but we actually worked really well. It took us about 2 hours.
The song's called 'Don't know, Don't care'. If you want a copy of our amazing songwriting skills, please leave a comment. It was a lot of fun and it's good to start doing these kind of things instead of always using well-known music.

This is the point where I totally got stuck yesterday. In the couple months that I've been blogging I've realized what writers feel when they get stuck. Luckily my living doesn't depend on it so it makes it easier coming back a day later to continue. It's probably pure torture for writers when they are just stuck and they have an idea, but they can't get it out there in any way. I guess it's even harder for me, because I have no sense of creative writing or good vocabulary. The one thing about blogging about your life is that it's very easy. You just write about yourself and drone on and on and on and on... - you get the point - Sometimes I wonder who really cares what I write, but I guess I care. For me, it's more than pleasing anyone who reads it. I write primarily for myself.

Anyway, today was a very boring day. So, why am I on the computer on a very boring day? I typically have no inspiration. The reason why this day is getting better is because I decided to enter a competition: The BBC AWARDS. I haven't been looking forward to writing or thinking about it. You choose either to speak, which means you talk for 5 minutes by heart and after that the jury fires difficult questions for 3 excruciating minutes. I decided against that, just because it takes a lot more work. So I've signed up for the Young Writers Award. You have to write an essay of 600 words. It has to be smart, articulate and you have to really develop a thought. The topics are very funny, because on the one hand you feel like they're very specific but on the other hand they can be interpreted in many ways. The topics are:
  • Ideas that will change the world
  • A multi-cultural existence: unrealistic? can different cultures really co-exist?
  • Celebrities are not born, they are made
  • Are comedians becoming too offensive or are we taking ourselves too seriously?
  • Is life becoming more dangerous?
  • Global companies, global responsibilities
I chose: Is life becoming more dangerous? I chose it because in my opinion it's the easiest one to write about. The first one also appealed to me, but I would have to fully immerse myself in news for a couple weeks and I didn't have any opinion on the others. The other reason I chose this one was because I can draw some history in it, which is really interesting to me. (and my dad chose this one, so that was the final choice). I have been spending the past hour working on it. If you think about it a lot of things have changed, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. But through it all I don't think life has become more dangerous. There have so many conflicts and natural disasters taken place on this planet. What about child labor, two world wars, disastrous world leaders, capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, imperialism. Life hasn't changed a lot. We've just started getting help in the form of internet, electricity. Sure, they have brought about their problems, but in the end we're all humans. We just had to face different problems. I just think that because everybody on the planet knows what is going on on the other side of the planet it seems like life is worse/dangerous. The media is the problem, otherwise nobody would know or care. Anyway, just enough babble to develop an essay don't you think?

Now I'm going to continue enjoying my winter break and stop thinking about saving the world, because at this moment I'm missing out on all the fun I could be having. Have a great winter break!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Love Julia